Intuitive artist.
Expressive Arts Facilitator and Consultant.
For the last 10 years, I have been designing and facilitating experiences intertwining Intuitive Painting, Movement, Meditation, Writing, Music and other creative processes to share and expand the transformative power of the Arts, which I deeply believe in, not only because of my studies but also because I have experienced it in my own life.
I consider myself an explorer.
I studied business administration and worked in companies until my search led me to the world of the Arts.
I was trained at "Point Zero Intuitive Painting" with Michele Cassau and Stewart Cubley at the Esalen Institute (California, U.S.) and completed a Postgraduate program in Intermodal Expressive Arts at the "Expressive Arts Florida Institute" (U.S.)
I love researching through the arts, so I started an M.A. in "Coaching and Education in Expressive Arts" at the European Graduate School (EGS, Switzerland).


Let go and create freely, like playing, without the possibility of making mistakes and without the pressure of success or failure?

Trust your intuition and your power to create?

Trust your intuition and your power to create?

Let yourself be surprised by the magic of your creative power and access a deeper knowledge?

Deepen your creative connection and trust it more?

Use the Arts as a tool for personal, group and community transformation and development?